Orthodox Calendar
September 2024


  • 10th Sunday after Pentecost
  • Church New Year; Ven. Simeon the Stylite (The Elder)
  • Righteous Joshua, Son of Nun
  • Saint Meletios the Younger (1095-1124)
  • Holy New Martyr Angelis (1680)


  • Ven. Anthony and Theodosius of Kiev Caves
  • Martyr Mamas of Caesarea in Cappadocia (275), and his parents, Martyrs Theodotus and Rufina
  • St John IV, Patriarch of Constantinople, known as John the Faster (595)
  • Righteous Eleazar, son of Aaron and second High Priest of Israel
  • Repose of Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) of Platina (1982). (August 20 OC)


  • Hieromartyr Anthimus, Bishop of Nicomedia
  • Holy Martyr Basilissa (309)
  • Our Holy Father Joannicius, Archbishop and first Patriarch of Serbia (1354)



  • Hieromartyr Babylas, Bishop of Antioch
  • Holy Prophet Moses, who beheld God.
  • St John Mavropos, Metropolitan of Euchaita (1100)
  • St Hermione, daughter of Apostle Philip (1st c.)
  • Venerable Anthimos the Blind, New Ascetic (1782)
  • Holy New Martyr Gorazd, Bishop of Slovakia and the Czech Lands (1942) (August 22 OC)


  • Prophet Zachariah
  • Holy Hieromartyr Athanasius of Brest-Litovsk (1649)
  • Holy Martyrs Abda the bishop, Hormizd and Sunin of Persia (4th c)



  • Miracle of Archangel Michael at Colossae
  • Holy Prophet Zacharias and Righteous Elizabeth (1st c.), parents of St John the Forerunner.
  • St Maxim (Sandovich), martyr of Lemkos, Czechoslovakia (1914) (August 24 OC)


  • Saturday before Elevation
  • Martyr Sozon of Cilicia
  • St John, Archbishop of Novgorod
  • Martyr Sozon of Cilicia (208/304)
  • Holy Apostles Evodus and Onesiphorus of the Seventy
  • Holy Martyr Eupsychyius of Caesarea (2nd c.)
  • St Kassia (Kassiani) the Hymnographer (9th c.)


  • 11th Sunday after Pentecost
  • Sunday before Elevation
  • Nativity of the Most-Holy Theotokos
  • New Martyr Athanasius of Thessalonika (1774)
  • Our Venerable Father Serapion of Pskov (1481)


  • Righteous Joachim and Anna
  • Ven. Joseph of Volotsk
  • Holy Ancestors of God Joachim and Anna
  • Commemoration of the Third Ecumenical Council (431)
  • Holy Martyr Severian of Sebaste (320)
  • Our Holy Father Ciaran of Clonmacnoise (549)


  • Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora, Nymphodora



  • Ven. Theodora of Alexandria
  • St Euphrosynos the Cook of Alexandria (9th c.)
  • St Paphnutius the Confessor (4th c.)
  • Canonization of St Xenia of St Petersburg (1978)


  • Leavetaking Nativity Theotokos
  • Hieromartyr Autonomus, Bishop in Italy
  • Our Holy Father Athanasius the Elder of Vysotsk (early 15th c.), and his disciple Athanasius the Younger (1395)


Fast—Wine and Oil are Allowed

  • Founding of Church of the Holy Sepulchre
  • Holy Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion (1st c. )
  • Holy Great Martyr Ketevan, Queen of Georgia (1624)


Fast—Strict Fast (Wine and Oil)

  • Exaltation (Elevation) of the Precious Cross
  • St Placilla the Empress (385 or 386)
  • Holy New Martyr Macarius of Thessalonica (1527)


  • 12nd Sunday after Pentecost
  • Sunday after Elevation
  • Greatmartyr Nicetas the Goth
  • Holy Martyr Porphyrius (361).


  • Greatmartyr Euphemia the All-Praised
  • Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian of Carthage (258)
  • St Ninian, Enlightener of Scotland (432)
  • Our Holy Father Dorotheos the Solitary of Egypt (4th c.)


  • Martyr Sophia and Daughters Faith, Hope, and Love
  • Our Holy Father Lambert, Bishop of Maastricht (705)



  • St Eumenes, Bishop of Gortyna
  • St Ariadne of Phrygia (2nd c.)


  • Martyrs Trophimus, Sabbatius, Dorymedon
  • Ss David and Constantine of Yaroslavl
  • Holy Martyr Zosimas the Hermit of Cilicia (4th c.)



  • Greatmartyr Eustathius and Martyr Theopistes
  • Martyrs Michael and Theodore of Chernigov
  • Holy Martyrs Hypatius and Andrew, Confessors of the Holy Icons (8th c.)
  • Sts Anastasius, Theodore, Euprepius and Anastasius the Younger, confessors and disciples of St Maximos the Confessor (7th c.)


  • Saturday after Elevation
  • Apostle Quadratus of the Seventy
  • Unc. Rel. St Dimitry, Metr. Rostov
  • Holy Prophet Jonas (Jonah) (9th c. BC)
  • Apostle Quadratus (Codratus) of the Seventy (130)
  • Our Venerable Father Joseph of Zaonikiev Monastery(1612)


  • 13th Sunday after Pentecost
  • Hieromartyr Phocas, Bishop of Sinope
  • Venerable Cosmas, desert-dweller of Zographou, Mt Athos (1323)


  • Conception of St John the Baptist
  • Holy Martyr Iraida (Rais) of Alexandria (308)
  • New Martyr John of Epirus (1814)


  • Holy New Martyrs of Alaska
  • Holy Protomartyr Thecla, Equal to the Apostles (1st c.)
  • St Silouan, elder of Mt Athos (1938) (September 11 OC)
  • St Stephen, First-crowned King of Serbia (Simon the Monk) (1224)


Fast—Fish, Wine and Oil are Allowed

  • Repose of Ven. Sergius of Radonezh
  • Our Righteous Mother Euphrosyne (ca. 445)
  • Our Holy Father Sergius of Radonezh (1392)
  • Commemoration of the Great Earthquake at Constantinople (447) and the Miracle of the Trisagion
  • Venerable Dosithea, recluse of the Kiev Caves (1776)


  • Repose of St John the Theologian



  • Martyr Callistratus and Companions
  • Ven. Sabbatius of Solovetsk
  • Holy Apostles Mark, Aristarchus and Zenas of the Seventy
  • Holy New Martyr Aquilina (1764)


  • Ven. Chariton the Confessor
  • Holy Prophet Baruch (6th c. BC)
  • Holy Martyr Vatslav (Wenceslas), King of the Czechs (929)


  • 14th Sunday after Pentecost
  • Ven. Cyriacos, Hermit of Palestine
  • St Mary of Palestine (6th c.)
  • Holy Martyrs Dada and those with them (4th c.)
  • Venerable Cyprian of Ustiug (1276)


  • Hieromartyr Gregory of Armenia
  • Ven. Gregory of Vologda
  • Venerable Gregory of Pelshma (1441 or 1451)
  • Our Father among the Saints Michael, Metropolitan of Kiev (992)